What do a THANKS do in our life - 2

What do THANKS do in our life!!! Hello everyone in my previous update I shared a poem with you, now let's see in detail. "THANKS" is a word which makes our path easier. To make an easier path to, remember these points. Points to be remembered, 1.Desire 2.Opportunity 3.Difficult times 4.Limitations 5.challenge 6.Mistakes 7.Hard work 8.Gratitude 1. DESIRE Desire is all that makes us choose our path. If we limit our path to certain things then life will be happy. One should know their capacity. If we have all the things which we want then life will not be that interesting. so we should thank that we are not able to get what we want because it makes set a goal to achieve something. If we get one what we desired for then we want another one its life. DO'S Always set goals. Have a clear idea on what you want. Make clear plan. Background work is necessary based on your goal. Satisfaction is important. Don't comp...